Pregnancy Guide Feedback
Thank you so much for helping us out by providing some feedback on our Pregnancy Guide. We will use your comments as we prepare future editions.
First name
Last name
Email address
Organisation (if relevant)
Tell us a bit about you
Pregnancy Guide was for my personal use
Pregnancy Guide was for a friend/whānau
I'm a Midwife
I'm a Nurse
I'm a Plunket Nurse
I'm a Continence Nurse
I'm a Physio
I'm a GP
I'm an Obstetrician
I'm a Doula
I'm a Fitness Professional
If you selected "Other" above please let us know more about if you wish:
Overall, the pregnancy guide made a positive difference
1- strongly agree
2- agree
3- neutral
4 - disagree
5 - strongly disagree
The content was relevant and engaging
1- strongly agree
2- agree
3- neutral
4 - disagree
5 - strongly disagree
The language used was easy to understand
1- strongly agree
2- agree
3- neutral
4 - disagree
5 - strongly disagree
I would recommend the guide to friends and family
1- strongly agree
2- agree
3- neutral
4 - disagree
5 - strongly disagree
What did you find useful in our Pregnancy Guide?
What could we improve?
Any other comments?
Can we use your comments publicly e.g. on social media?
If our Pregnancy Guide has been helpful, would you be interested in sharing your story with us?
Please make sure we have your email address above if your answer is yes.
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